Fatos Sobre cobogo Revelado

Cebgo’s logo features the same font and branding colours as its owner, Cebu Pacific, and can be viewed at the top left of this web page.

"Light in the apartment is great, it inspired me to explore the texture of the materials, creating a comfortable, soft and feminine space with Scandinavian touch but still very Brazilian," Chu said.

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“The apartment is new, very clean and bright. The furniture is modern and elegant. Although the apartment is tiny, there is a lot of storage space. The bed is very comfortable, the linen and towels of good quality. The personnel is extremely friendly and helpful.”

The garden features an abundance of tropical vegetation chosen by the owner and his father, who is a "veteran landscape designer".

The brickwork extends through the internal courtyard, including a specially developed floor of cobogó bricks filled with concrete

YTA used colourful elements such as bright cabinets, natural wooden furniture, and reclaimed pieces to enliven the interiors.

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Used as partition walls to separate rooms, the cobogó create unusual graphics and light effects around the apartment.

Passengers departing from Manila Airport must check in from the terminal in which your flight departs from by visiting the Cebgo check-in desk.

The patterns of the blocks also contrast with the use of other materials in the apartment, which include burnt ceramic floors and countertops in the bathroom and kitchen.

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Other projects in Sãeste Paulo that make the most of the outdoors include a home with sliding and pivoting doors that allow it to open up to the exterior, and a historic home by Lina Bo Bardi, in which architect Sol Camacho has designed a curvy garden pavilion.

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